We have been successful in attracting funding from local windfarms in recent years to make up the shortfall to enable us to continue providing services. It is unclear at present whether they could provide any funding in future.
The Council has recently decided not to fund us for the current financial year 2019/20 and this leaves us with an estimated deficit of around £34,000. It is difficult to comprehend this decision when they have accepted that ACTS cannot ever become fully sustainable due to the permit system under which we operate our services. We are seeking alternative sources of funding but it is likely that we will have to seriously curtail our activities or close the business towards the end of the year if unsuccessful. Any ideas you have or suggested actions would be much appreciated.
You may wish to contact your local Councillor if you feel that they should continue to support ACTS as its closure will have serious consequences in Annandale & Eskdale.
Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to secure funding for provision of services. We hope you will continue to support us and use the transport through this difficult period.
Our local newspaper, the Annandale Series, has set up a GoFundMe page if you'd like to contribute.